Saturday, May 10, 2008


So, in 33 minutes I have to be over at the MEC for graduation. 

My graduation. 

Somehow I wasn't sure this day would ever actually arrive. It seems like one of those days that is perpetually in the future and will never be in the present, and yet here I am. In 2 hours 32 minutes we will walk from the foyer into the main area and take our seats in front of our loved ones, friends, faculty, staff and administration. Sometime after that I'm going to speak, at my own college commencement, again something that I never imagined I would be doing. (well, that's not entirely true, I may have imagined it on occasion. It makes for better blogging to say that I never imagined it though)

Sometime after that we will walk across the stage and get our empty diploma holder and that will be that. 

I will be a college graduate.

