Friday, July 10, 2009

The Return to Blogging

I hope that this will mark my return to the blogosphere.

I hope with this return to revamp my blog and shift it's direction.

I hope that the fact that I'm typing this on a keyboard with no backspace key doesn't make me quit part way through out of frustration.

It seems to me that there are people in this world who seem to have the sole purpose of hurting and tearing down those around them. I'm not talking about the little remarks between friends, or even constructive criticism, I'm referring to the complete and utter de-personization of someone.

It is remarkable to me how any person can be so cruel as to manipulate everyone around them, and manipulate through derision and coercion. What kind of person demands 100% of a "friend's" time, to the exclusion of all else, to the detriment of their "friend's" well being and other relationships?.

What kind of person talks brags about receiving unconditional love and then refuses to give unconfitional love?

What kind of person spreads lies about someone in order to better their own image?

What kind of person thinks that others need to earn unconditional love?

What kind of person is only validated by what they think other's think of them?

What kind of person flip flops day-to-day, hour-to-hour on their most basic opinions of a person?

What kind of person points out the splinter in someone else's eye while ignoring the log in their own?

To some extent we are all that kind of person, we all suffer from these failures. The deciding factor in how these affect our relationships with those around us is common sense and discretion.
Some individuals seem to think that somehow their opinion is the only one that matters, that somehow they have been selected to deliver judgement. While judgement is a nearly unavoidable part of being human, voicing this judgement without care for the people affected is irresponsible and will inevitable lead to one's own rejection. A person cannot go through life passing judgement on people, and tearing them down and expect to keep it up forever.

We all struggle with a need to feel important, loved, wanted and validated. We all have our own ways of dealing with that need. None of us should tear down and deride the people around us to meet these ends.

