During staff meeting at the church where I work the topic of stress came up, specifically those "stress tests" that give you "stress points" for various events in your life over the last year or two. As soon as I got home I jumped online and took one, as I was curious. In the past I've had fairly low stress levels, normally within the low area. The first one said that I was in serious danger of illness due to my stress.
I wasn't sure what to make of it, so I took another one. 90% chance of illness due to stress.
Oh my, a third one with similar results.
Granted, all of them say that people deal with stress in different ways, and that they don't actually diagnose anything. Even so, it was startling to have laid out for me:
Change in financial state (38 points) As we approach the end of the school year my funds are having to stretch further and further, particularly as my summer housing is in the air.
Change in church Activities (19) I've been constantly in and out of church as various activities and events have happened.
Death of a close family member (63) My uncle
Revision of personal habits (24) For this I counted becoming an increasingly social person?
Change in work hours or conditions (20) Doing ASNCC and my internship increased my weekly workload dramatically
Trouble with boss (23) My boss at the church and I have been in a war of responsibility, in which we constantly are placing responsibility for this or that on each other. And shifting it as much as possible.
Vacation (12) Christmas (13) They happened
Begin or end school (26) Graduating
Change in schools (20) Seminary
Personal Injury or Illness (44) Strictly speaking I wasn't sick, but my doctor thought I might have Lupus. Which caused me no end of stress back in October.
Change in Health of a Family member (39) My mom was diagnosed with diabetes.
Total: 341.
At 150 you start to get into health affecting levels of stress.
I don't think that this is affecting my physical health, yet; I do know that I'm beginning to feel the pressure of it though. I know how much this stress feels like, and I look at some of my friends, one friend in particular, who are going through more than I can even begin to wrap my mind around and I wonder how in the world they can cope. It's fine to talk about relying on God, and his peace. But it's entirely another thing to actually do it when life is falling apart around you. I do not know how that all will work out, I shall have to ponder it more.
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