First, I apologize if this blog is unfair. However, I have told a good friend on multiple occasions that their blog should be their honest feelings on a given subject at a given time, and it is only right that my blog should follow the same guidelines.
I feel disconnected today, even ignored.
This morning in Geography as I gave my presentation I was only half listened to.
At an honors chapel today I received zero recognition, which is entirely appropriate since my GPA is not 3.5 or higher, and there are exemplary leaders who deserve recognition. I still noticed it though.
In my world literature class my presentation was cut off party way through because of how little attention people were paying to it.
In my staff meeting at my church people welcomed me to the meeting party way through, as if I hadn't been there from the beginning. (Which I had.)
Text messages to multiple people went unanswered.
At the late night breakfast I felt sloughed off to the side, an afterthought.
I do not know, maybe today is just not a good day. Maybe I am somehow particularly ignorable today. There is a very good chance that I am simply stressed out, tired and overly sensitive. And despite knowing that, I still feel alone. I am a fairly confident person generally, there are not a lot of ways that things make me feel small. Being left out is perhaps my Achilles Heel, even if unintentional I feel unwanted and it hurts.
Like I said, no doubt this blog is not fair and there are perfectly rational explanations for all the things that happened today, but right now, at this moment, when I am tired and probably grumpy, it hurts.
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