I don't know what this 'cold' is, it started as a sore throat moved to coughing and aching all over, to just being miserable and now I'm back to a sore throat. Swallowing anything feels like molten er, liquid is going down to my stomach and every cough feels like I have barbed-wire in there.
Maybe this isn't good? I should go to the doctor?
I would except that 1) I abhor the Doctor 2) I don't wan to pay the $100 dollars (since my family hasn't hit the annual deductible for 2008) and 3) I don't think I've found a decent doctor in Eugene yet.
Which leaves me in the place of having a sore throat and nothing to do about it.
On the upside I saw an amazing production of A Midsummer Night's Dream last night in Ashland.
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