I've turned over a new leaf. Well, I'm trying to turn over a new leaf anyways. I had long conversation with a good friend of mine in the upstairs of the MEC and in the end was convinced that it would be worth my while to do away with my cynical, negative side and instead work on bringing out my fun, happy side.
On the one hand I know that by putting the effort into being a generally more outgoing and "uppy" person that I can more easily acquaintance myself with new people. Inevitably this will pay off at whatever new job I end up getting, it will allow me to make new friends and grow in new areas. It won't be easy though, it means putting effort into my encounters and working at drawing people into a new realm of interaction. It means moving outside my immediate comfort zone and examining who I am in order to redefine that in myself.
I thought I had figured out a living situation for this fall, but it seems that my Plan A won't work, which means trying out Plan B.
I have 5 days to finish moving, and I'm not at all looking forward to it. Particularly the large boxes of books, it is a lot of effort to move those and a lot of stairs to get them down.
I think this week I'm going to begin looking for a full-time "real" job for this academic year. As long as it is a living wage and something that will stretch and bring me growth then I think that I will be happy at it. I'm going to various human rights organizations around town, maybe they need a college graduate for something?
I'm not sure how this next year will go, I feel like it will either be amazing or miserable. If I can find the kind of job I want, then I will be fed and grow and having an amazing year, if I'm stuck in retail or something like that I will try to make the best of it but don't have particularly high hopes that that will be a positive experience necessarily.
I went to coffee with a friend from high school today, caught up a little bit. She wanted to know about Cambodia, which made me remember that I haven't really talked about it a lot recently, or even thought about it. I think to some extent I'm done processing it for the time being, but at the same time it is interesting to see how I react as I think about it again.
If I end up living with someone not NCC related, it will mean that I will make new friends and have new adventures. It will mean a more concerted effort to stay connected with the friends I've made over the last few years. It will mean new 'temptations' pulling me in directions I've never been pulled in. None of these are bad things, but simply ideas to be aware of.
Maybe I'll try to redesign my blog a little.